Help Us Work For a
Better Future for San Jose

Help us work for a
Better Future for San Jose

San Jose can be such a special place – clean, safe, family friendly. But we can all see the city we love slipping away. I’m running for Mayor to make the change we need to bring the San Jose we love back for every family.


I know that after years of broken promises, it’s time for results.

On homelessness, rising crime, and untreated mental illness we need bold action now. That’s why as Mayor I’ll require accountability from City Hall, starting by ensuring politicians don’t get automatic raises unless they are making real progress.

I come from a family that knew what it’s like to struggle—and that’s why I’ll make sure your tax dollars aren’t wasted. I earned a scholarship to Bellarmine and took a four-hour bus journey every day from Watsonville because San Jose was a beacon of hope.

After I came home after college, I taught on the East Side in a public school – and nothing gives you more hope for the future than getting to know just how committed our kids are to building a better life for themselves and creating a better city. After teaching, I founded a company that gave millions of citizens powerful tools to hold government accountable. I ran and won my campaign for City Council to fight to make City Hall more accountable to you.

As Mayor I’ll keep fighting for common sense by creating homeless housing for a fraction of what we pay now and requiring homeless residents to use it, rebuilding our police force while addressing the underlying causes of crime, and building housing near transit so we can reduce housing costs without traffic gridlock. 

San Jose was a special place. It still can be—if we bring more common sense to our city government.

Join our campaign today, and help us work towards a better future for San Jose!